Sunday, August 3, 2008

So, I spent all afternoon trying to find this book I heard about on some kooky Christian radio station while I was up in Boulder a few weeks ago. Finally figured out what it was - it's called "The Family Tree: A True Account of Multi-Generational Satanism in America Today" by Linda Stone. Sounds better than a movie, if you ask me. But it's $24.95, which I feel is excessive for something I don't have in hard copy form. If it was, oh, $5, then I'd totally buy it. I think it's only sold through a website for this guy, Sean Sellers, who was executed by Oklahoma in 1999 for killing his parents and a convenience store clerk supposedly while under satanic possession. ZOMG FANTASTIC.

So here, instead, is Brice Taylor, to tell us all about her MKULTRA CIA mind control experiences. God, I love this stuff.

Get this: Brice Taylor and Cathy O'Brien (author of "The TRANCE-formation of America" and also supposedly a CIA sex slave both appear to have daughters named Kelly. Now, I know that "Kelly" is probably a fake name, but still. According to this site, "Bush Babies", female children of CIA sex slaves, are supposedly all named Kelly.

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